In case you want to look further, here are some places to start…
Spinning Babies, fetal positioning: detailed breech information
Birth Without Fear blog discusses breech as a variation of normal, with information, turning, tips, and encouragement.
Birth Without Fear goes on to say that breech does not mean c-section!
The Canadian Society of Obstetricians says the same thing: No automatic cesarean for breech.
In fact, some doctors are saying a natural delivery is safer for breech.
Check out a play by play reporting of the 3rd Coalition for Breech Birth conference on Rixa Freeze’s fabulous blog, Stand and Deliver. Click on ‘breech’ on the right.
This ebook contains a comprehensive grouping of articles on the subject of breech birth. Some of the greatest minds in the natural childbirth world have articles featured in this little volume of necessary breech birth information. Authors featured include Michel Odent, Ina May Gaskin and Gloria Lemay. A must-read for any midwife, obstetrician or student of natural childbirth. ($5.99)
Actual Books
Jane Evans, Breech Birth – What are my options?, available from
Benna Waites, Breech Birth
Maggie Banks, Breech Birth Woman-wise
A full chapter on breech in Henci Goer’s Thinking Woman’s Guide To A Better Birth
The Ultimate Breech Resource: Breech Baby Handbook (ebook)
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