It’s Lauren’s Favorite [Birth] Things! My absolute favorite birth things are a loving, confident partner and a loving, respectful, and skilled provider. My hope is that you have or manage to find both. Lauren’s Favorite Birth Things necessarily focuses on birth things anyone can get–at least in some form. In the spirit of Oprah’s favorite things, […]
Vaginal Twin Birth with Breech Baby!
Awhile ago, I interviewed Elina Patler from Astoria, NYC about her vaginal twin breech birth. Here are the girls, Mari and Mila, at birth. Thanks so much for sharing your story! Tell us a little about your pregnancy. I got pregnant in June 2014, and was totally surprised when I found out I was […]
Nutritious Cookies and Pancakes
What?? Yes! Good-for-you pancakes and cookies. The pancakes are my new favorite and by far the healthiest pancake recipe we’ve tried. They are so good, so easy, and seem very difficult to mess up. Great soaked or sprouted grains, plus extra protein from the yogurt. I want some right now. TRY […]
A breech personality: risk, stress, & Teen magazines
This is part of a series of posts on Breech as a Symptom of Exposure. Those of us with breech babies know the nagging feeling that we did something to cause the malposition of our babies. Clinically, we’re told that breech babies are an enigma, that there’s precious little we can do to influence the […]
Breech & Colic
Since nobody really knows what colic is and how to help these hurting babies who come to us, I am wondering if being breech is a risk factor. I understand that breech presentation makes spinal subluxation more likely. Breech babies have a higher likelihood of other minor (and some major) problems. Most of them are […]