Watch a short documentary about breech birth.
Here is a whole series of breech birth videos, showing how breech babies are born (graphic). There are a number of ways of ‘handling’ breech births represented, and a number of positions. You can start here if you are looking for educational videos. More below. Learn more about how breech birth works in the Breech Baby Handbook.
Breech Birth Stories & Videos
- Collection of cesarean and vaginal breech photos and stories. Some repeated below.
- Breech videos good for preparing for vaginal breech birth
- A surprise breech home birth with a Frank breech. She describes feelings of her breech birth vs. vertex.(14:30)
(And then come back and watch the actual birth.) - A collection of breech birth stories.
- Pictures of a footling birth (graphic).
- A family’s hypnobirthing footling breech cesarean video
- A planned breech cesarean, waited for labor to begin.
- A surrogate’s surprise breech water birth with a knot in the cord!
- Planned hospital vaginal breech-details of diagnosis and finding a doctor
- An active breech birth story.
- The birth story of a 12lb baby whose mama did her own external version (not recommended.)
- This article includes the story of a woman who transferred as the baby’s butt was coming out, was sectioned, and then next time gave birth to an 11lb footling at home.
- A footling home birth.
- An interview with breech hbac mom (two c/s for breech)
- Surprise breech birth.
- Breech baby beat mama to the ECV.
- A hospital breech birth (buttling) after all attempts to turn.
- A home birth turned footling cesarean.
- A great story of a buttling natural breech birth, beautiful pictures.
- Here is a story where the baby turns in labor.
- A footling with pics.
- External version story
- Gentle Cesarean Birth (not breech)
- A breech birth 3-part buttling story, stalled labor, 20hrs, hospital.
Here is a mom with 3 breech babies and their stories.
Having gone through 3 pregnancies with 3 breech babies & 3 very different birth stories/outcomes. “I have learned so much. With our first -Brooke Elizabeth -an undiagnosed breech that resulted in a C-section- I learned that things don’t always go the way we plan them & that sometimes things happen outside of our control. With our second, a natural breech VBAC of Brady James, I had to confront the fears & overcome the hurdles that I had experienced the first time with a cesarean birth. I realized that I could have a natural birth in the hospital. It was through Brady’s birth that I was able to heal from the trauma of Brooke’s birth. With my most recent birth, my footling breech (again natural) Blake Carter, I feel like there has been a welcome shift in the medical system in regards to breech birth. I hope that my personal birth experiences help to educate others about natural breech birth; that breech babies do not necessarily equal a C-section & that women have the ability to ask for a second opinion or find a caregiver that will assist in a natural birth; that women should feel empowered in their birth choices/experience & should trust in their inner strength and natural ability. Natural breech birth can be done & can be a wonderfully amazing & beautiful birth experience!!