How To:
A. Rub peppermint essential oil on the top of your belly, in a rainbow motion. This “cools” and nudges the baby to turn its head down, much like the frozen bag of peas, but on a more elemental and cellular level.
B. Mix 5 drops myhrr essential oil in one teaspoon carrier oil and rub on your belly in a circular motion. I read a couple accounts of women whose babies turned while or shortly after doing myhrr sessions.
Why it might work:
The peppermint essential oil is quite ‘tingly’ and cools, much the way a frozen bag of peas would. The myhrr is a warm, earthy oil that affects hormonal and nervous systems. It is a highly spiritual oil (used in many spiritual and religious rituals). The oil has a ‘righting’ effect, so it may adjust hormones or calm elements of the nervous system, or otherwise help your body to help the baby right itself.