Emotional Freedom Technique & Breech Babies
The Deal:
If you are not familiar with EFT, and maybe even if you are, it will seem very weird to you. It is very weird. It also works. I haven’t heard specifically of the practice of EFT turning any breech babies, but it would work in much the way hypnotherapy would work to turn a baby.
If you are not familiar with EFT, and maybe even if you are, it will seem very weird to you. It is very weird. It also works. I haven’t heard specifically of the practice of EFT turning any breech babies, but it would work in much the way hypnotherapy would work to turn a baby.
How To:
You identify a hang up and create the a phraseology: “Even though I (have this hangup), I deeply and fully accept myself” (or some other similar, more personally meaningful end thought). For example, “Even though I am afraid of labor, I know I am prepared and have lots of support” or “Even though I am very stressed out, I have the ability to connect with my baby and relax” or just “Even though I have a breech baby, I deeply and fully accept myself.” Then you focus on this whole thought while tapping key points on your body in sequence (start with 1 and tap a number of times rapidly on each point) or rubbing the sore spot. You should feel a little better each time.Number 7 is your armpit and number 8 is right under your boob where boob skin meets body skin. You can leave out 7 and 8 if it’s just too weird.
Read all about EFT for birth and breech in this pdf from birthways, and check out specifically page 20-24 for more detailed instructions.
You identify a hang up and create the a phraseology: “Even though I (have this hangup), I deeply and fully accept myself” (or some other similar, more personally meaningful end thought). For example, “Even though I am afraid of labor, I know I am prepared and have lots of support” or “Even though I am very stressed out, I have the ability to connect with my baby and relax” or just “Even though I have a breech baby, I deeply and fully accept myself.” Then you focus on this whole thought while tapping key points on your body in sequence (start with 1 and tap a number of times rapidly on each point) or rubbing the sore spot. You should feel a little better each time.Number 7 is your armpit and number 8 is right under your boob where boob skin meets body skin. You can leave out 7 and 8 if it’s just too weird.

Read all about EFT for birth and breech in this pdf from birthways, and check out specifically page 20-24 for more detailed instructions.
Energy Work
Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine for Women, turned several babies using healing energy work. Midwives that have learned the technique have reported to her many successes as well. She says, “The energies of the unborn child are distinct from those of the mother, and when you do a chakra balancing on the mother, you can feel the mother and child responding independently. Feeling the child’s response always makes me happy” (p.198). She reports one time she did a chakra clearing on a mother’s tight abdominal muscles (from stress) and after 15 minutes of counterclockwise motion felt the baby’s energy in sync with hers and watched the baby turn head down. Find a practitioner here.