Michael Odent, famous French mother-baby friendly obstetrician, says, “Breech birth by people who are scared of breech birth is very dangerous” and advises that it is better for you to have a cesarean than risk a vaginal delivery with someone who is nervous and really doesn’t know what they are doing.
Most US hospital obstetricians who are willing to attend a vaginal breech birth (especially under option 4, coercion) may only be able to give you a breech delivery or extraction (hands on, forceps, episiotomy, lithotomy position, drugs, etc).
If you find a confident, experienced practitioner who is part of a practice, make sure you ask them to be on call for you for this baby. WHO is down there matters much more in a breech birth than otherwise.
U.S. Centers Supporting Vaginal Breech Birth
Help When You Want Baby to Turn
This midwifery practice offers breech consultations.
Local Help with a Breech
Here is a (small, but growing) list of Certified Friends of Breech Babies. Check out one of these women for local, personal help.