Welcome to the first annual, international Breech Week! I’ll have some great guest posts and interviews on Better Birth blog this week and you can find people representing breech interests all over the internet with hashtag #breechweek.
Why do we need Breech Week? From whence did this strange practice originate? What can Breech Week do for you? What can you do for Breech Week? I will lay it all out for you.
I’m Lauren, and I’m a childbirth educator and writer who…you guessed it, had a breech baby. I found out really late that my baby was breech, and it totally changed the end of my pregnancy, the birth, and ultimately my life trajectory (I think, anyway-haha).
I’m grateful for that experience because it made me more open-minded and compassionate. And it started a journey to finding my tribe. It led me to become a childbirth educator and publish a website devoted to helping parents of breech babies make decisions about their care. Because of it, I wrote a book about breech and started a collection of printable handouts and graphics for birth professionals. I am having a good time.
But it didn’t start as a good time. The week that I spent trying to learn about and turn my baby before the scheduled surgery was highly stressed, miserable and, frankly, misguided. Shortly after the experience we called it ‘breech week’ with a tone of dread.
Now, I am flipping the script and Breech Week is a cause for celebration! Let’s spread the word about breech positions, options, and our work to bring back vaginal breech birth. Let’s share our trials and our triumphs. Let’s get everyone thinking and talking about breech before it’s too late.
Want to get on board? Here’s how. You can also register here, it’s easy!
Next November, Gail Tully and I are working together to have Breech Week in conjunction with her Breech In Balance conference. So stay tuned!
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