Printable cervix information poster shows dilation
Need a visual aid to explain about the physical and emotional process of opening up in labor? This guide (printed at 11×17, above–or two to a page, below) shows the actual size of 2 cms compared to 6 and 10 centimetres, etc.
BitsĀ for each stage of labor concerning what you might be feeling as well as what you can do to help your labor along.
Includes a discussion of sphincter law–your cervix will not open in the presence of adrenaline or stress. Birth where you feel safest!
Cervix ripeness and openness is subjective and here we cover the fact that you don’t need to know how open you are and the fact that vaginal exams can be uncomfotable.
Do not use the cervix as a clock. How you feel and the position of the baby are more important. Labor doesn’t progress along predictable timelines, though medical institutions wish it would. There are many ways we make progress in labor, not just how open the cervix is.
So don’t do labor math! Let your baby do the work.
Active labor at 6cms, and dilation can start long before you go into labor.
Great reminders here for your doula clients or birth class students. Simple and straight to the point as usual.
Looking for a printable handout about cervix dilation?
These print two to a page.