Last year for New Year’s I wrote this, which I will re-post here in its entirety because it was short and I liked it. Then I will tell you how my year went. 2013 I enjoy the acme of foolishness that is goal-setting and resolving to better myself. This year, as in the past, I […]
Working off a debt to your children
My friend who is expecting her 5th said that she spent her early motherhood being angry with herself, her children, and God. She thought motherhood would be like a Fischer Price commercial. When she had three babies in as many years, she realized that parenting was more like indentured servitude. It feels that way many […]
10 tips for airplane travel with toddlers
I’m on a long trip with my wees right now, visiting friends and family in Minnesota. Thought I’d put in writing some of my thoughts from our last flight. Let them pack. Little ones love to pack for a trip. Even the one year old will enjoy putting a menagerie of toys and a collection […]
On fear, love & decision-making
“The plural of anecdote is not data.” -Dr. Stuart Fischbein, supporter of choices in childbirth and vaginal breech birth I get all self righteously annoyed when people make decisions based on something that happened to their friend or their uncle’s hairdresser. “Oh my gosh I could never get a pedicure, my mom got fungus from […]
Breastfeeding and Big Brother
Recently a friend with 4 school-aged children and a baby on the way mentioned that she was struggling with how to approach breastfeeding this time, what with sons approaching puberty. She said she was leaning toward not doing it around them in order to avoid awkward encounters. “I think it’s better if they just […]