Natural birth (any birth!) is much easier when you can find your relaxation zone and brainwaves–with this handout!
Relaxation for labor and birth, the whole mediation thing, makes so much more sense when you explain about brainwaves.This handout on relaxation for labor and birth explains the way our brains enter different states, optimal for different activities.
In labor, we want to be making low waves. We send the energy low in our bodies, we make low sounds, and low, slow brainwaves.
Here we see each state and how to know which kind of brain waves you’re making. This helps people identify what helps them relax and how to know when they’re truly relaxed. Don’t teach about (especially drug-free) birth without discussing brainwaves!
Orgasmic birth, spiritual birth, transcendent and euphoric birth are all achieved by altering your brain state away from busy beta brain.
Get this brainwaves handout to learn about beta, alpha, theta, and delta brainwaves and make a plan for relaxing in labor. Print it as a poster, laminate it for prenatal appointments, or copy them to handout in childbirth classes!