This is part of a series of posts on Breech as a Symptom of Exposure. Those of us with breech babies know the nagging feeling that we did something to cause the malposition of our babies. Clinically, we’re told that breech babies are an enigma, that there’s precious little we can do to influence the […]
Becoming a Childbirth educator
Birth of a baby, a mother, a father, and a family is a big deal. The biggest deal. So few want to admit this to themselves or others because socially, what happens in your birth is expected to bear out in your life only to the extent that it applies to the health of […]
Breastfeeding and Big Brother
Recently a friend with 4 school-aged children and a baby on the way mentioned that she was struggling with how to approach breastfeeding this time, what with sons approaching puberty. She said she was leaning toward not doing it around them in order to avoid awkward encounters. “I think it’s better if they just […]
3 reasons to write your birth story
I am a big believer in writing as thinking. The mental process involved with putting thoughts into coherent sentences makes your thoughts coherent, allows you to find connections you hadn’t seen before, and helps you to release the meaning in what happens to you. I have learned a lot about myself from writing. Writing serves […]
Breech & Colic
Since nobody really knows what colic is and how to help these hurting babies who come to us, I am wondering if being breech is a risk factor. I understand that breech presentation makes spinal subluxation more likely. Breech babies have a higher likelihood of other minor (and some major) problems. Most of them are […]