A friend of mine recently introduced me to essential oils for healing. These therapeutic grade essential oils can help with all kinds of problems, physical and emotional. I looked into the use of oils to help turn a breech baby. I found a number of references to peppermint and myhrr.
These oils are both emmenagogues and generally supposed to be avoided in pregnancy, but at term there should be little concern. For example, the book Modern Essentials, which guides users on essential oil application, says that both the oils should be used with caution and/or diluted heavily in pregnancy. Use your judgement or contact someone more knowledgeable than I.
A. Rub peppermint essential oil on the top of your belly, in a rainbow motion. This “cools” and nudges the baby to turn its head down, much like the frozen bag of peas, but on a more elemental and cellular level.
B. Mix 5 drops myhrr essential oil in one teaspoon carrier oil and rub on your belly in a circular motion. I read a couple accounts of women whose babies turned while or shortly after doing myhrr sessions.
You can get these therapeutic grade essential oils from doTERRA. If you get the oils from here you can support my friend Of course you can try the ones that are available at a health food store, but reportedly the potency and quality is not as high.
You can also use essential oils on acupressure points to turn a breech.
Here is more about using essential oils for breech babies and alternate methods of turning the baby.